Xavier Subirats

Xavier Subirats is partner at AMSEL ASSESSORS SL , an accountancy, tax and management consultancy firm for SMEs.


Xavier Subirats is a Master in International Business with executive education on Corporate Finance (London Business School), Boards of Directors  & Governance (Harvard-Iese) and Management Development (Iese). Bachelor in Business Administration and Economics. At AMSEL he is responsible for business analysis, management consultancy and Board Services. He attends seven Steering Committees/Boards of Directors in different industries and also the Boards of the Catalan Economists Association (CEC) and the Association for  Management Accountancy (ACCID).

Xavier’s focus:

  • To help controllers and mid-managers to create better reports/messages by introducing IBCS® principles .
  • To help managers to make better decisions by using management tools and best practices.
  • To help Board of Directors‘ value-creation and effectiveness through structured agendas, strategy awareness and independent insights.

IBCS® Certified Consultant

Xavier Subirats has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the HICHERT+FAISST IBCS Institute in September 2016.