Topics and work groups for version 1.2

The IBCS Association plans to release a revised version 1.2 of the IBCS® Standards in July 2021. In its General Assembly the IBCS Association decided to setup work groups preparing the changes. The following list reflects the result of the call for input.

There are work groups for three main topics. Please contact the team heads if you are interested to join in.

1 Semantic notation concept for more scenarios per scenario type

Head: Holger Gerhards
Team: Bonn work group (Sina Orth, Jens Herrmann, et al.), Bryan Gough

2 Aligning scenario notation of previous periods with titles

Head: Raphael Branger
Team: Zürich work group (Beat Honegger, Kristof Gramm, et al.), Dawid Marciniak

3 Application of semantic notation: Which rules are mandatory, which optional?

Head: Jürgen Faisst
Team: Edyta Szarska, Bryan Gough

Please find the results of the work group here. Comments on it are highly appreciated.

Additional topics to be discussed by posting comments on the Standards page:

4 Semantic notation concept for measures

Concepts suggested by Rolf Hichert, Jürgen Faisst, and Andrej Lapajne.

5 Semantic notation concept for scales

Concepts suggested by Rolf Hichert, Jürgen Faisst, and Thomas Terbuch.

6 Systematics of charts with two value axes

No concepts yet.

7 Evaluation of other chart types

Concepts for Big Data exploration and Advanced Analytics suggested by Heinz Steiner.
Evaluation of bullet graphs and sparklines by Rolf Hichert and Jürgen Faisst.
First evaluation of pies, maps, radar charts, funnel charts included in version 1.1 .
No concept for the usage of heat maps and tree maps yet.

8 Design of objects and functions for dashboards: Quadrants, tiles, drill down and across, list and detail, etc.

Topic suggested by Beat Honegger.

9 Adding “pragmatics” to the Standards

Topic suggested by Beat Honegger following the presentation of Klaus Kornwachs at the IBCS Conference 2018 in London.

10 Additional chart details

Jens Herrmann has suggested concepts for the following topics:

  • Unify the position of legends and labels
  • Intervall limits
  • Grid lines with better data-ink ratio