C01: Stacked column charts
Stacked column charts are being used for displaying data in their temporal development.
This template can be used best if not more than five or six data series with little changes within one data series for not more than 25 time periods are presented.
Disadvantages of this chart type:
- Showing negative and positive values is only possible for the lowest data series.
- The temporal development of only the lowest data series and the total can be analyzed well.
- The labeling and the analysis is difficult, if data points are missing.

Features for IBCS® certification of software
- Proper scaling of charts with the same unit (values, volumes, shares, ratios)
- Integrated legends at the left or right hand side of the column data points
- Data labels inside the column elements if there is enough space and suppressing data labels if there is not enough space
- Period sums outside at the top of each column
- Consistent title and footnote concept
- Use of category axes for meaning (“semantic axes”)
- Message concept
- Highlighting differences
- Highlighting with trend arrows
- Integrating and highlighting comments