Jörn Johenneken
Jörn Johenneken is a Manager for Corporate Performance Management at Braincourt GmbH. Braincourt is specialized in designing and implementing Corporate Performance Management software solutions as well as providing comprehensive project management services.
After his successful graduation in mathematics, Jörn Johenneken worked about 10 years as a consultant for a producer of Business Intelligence Software. Since 2007, he is a Manager for Corporate Performance Management at Braincourt GmbH and is responsible for a team of BI consultants as well as the product segment Infor BI.
In customer projects he primarily drafts, designs and implements planning and reporting applications.

IBCS® Certified Consultant
Jörn Johenneken has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in April 2015.
Work samples
All work samples have been developed in Microsoft Excel 2013.

Net income This example addresses the development of the external net income of a notional society in the time course. In the lower range the monthly trend of net income is depicted by a bar chart. Further, the average external net income per month is presented (at the same time an indication for the development of the annual value). In the middle range the absolute variance from prior year is illustrated. The upper range shows the percentage variance.