IBCS lectures
Selected international conferences and online events with lectures of IBCS Certified Consultants. Please send inquiries and registrations directly to the respective organizer.
Upcoming lectures
Semantic notation—understanding Forecast visually (EN)
February 27, 2025, 4:00 CET, online
Jürgen Faisst will introduce the concept of a visual language in reporting, where similar meanings are represented by similar visuals. He will then apply this concept to forecasting.
+ Enabling pattern recognition for easier understanding
+ IBCS and ISO 24896 idea of a semantic notation
+ Suggestion for the semantic notation of Forecast
+ Practical examples: See how it works

Forum Financial Controlling Transformation 2025, EY Academy of Business (PL)
March 12, 2025, Warsaw
Sylwia Dobiesz, Orlen S.A. i Edyta Szarska, IBCS Institute
IBCS w ESG: Jak spójność i przejrzystość budują zaufanie
+ Zobacz, czy konsekwencja zawsze oznacza zgodność
+ Sprawdź, czy ład jest zawsze transparentny
+ Posłuchaj, czy to co proste zawsze jest łatwe

Vision-X-Future 2025 – the DATA SUMMIT in Zurich (DE)
March 13, 2025, 4:10PM EST, Zürich
Increasing productivity with standards: a look into the future of reporting
Rolf Hichert will talk about how standardization and increased information density will ensure precise, unambiguous communication, allowing users to interpret complex data as effectively as professionals interpret music and technical schematics.

Finance Innovation and Excellence Summit (FInEx AmeriEuro 2025) (EN)
March 27, 2025, 4:10PM EST, online
Jürgen Faisst will join the panel discussion: Guardians of the Bottom Line: Risk Strategies for CFOs during Finance Innovation and Excellence Summit.
Past lectures

IBCS’in Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlamasında Kullanımı (TR)
December 11, 2024, 9:00 AM CET, Online (TR)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in Turkish with Esin Özkan.
Bu webinar’da, sürdürülebilirlik raporlamasında sıkça yapılan hataları gerçek yaşam örnekleriyle ele alıyor ve bu alanda Uluslararası İş İletişimi Standartları’nı (IBCS) nasıl etkin bir şekilde kullanabileceğinizi gösteriyoruz.

Gli IBCS per il reporting ESG (IT)
December 9, 2024, 5:00 PM CET, Online (IT)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in Italian with Simone Verza.
Ti mostreremo come evitare gli errori più comuni e come realizzare report ESG di grande impatto, partendo da esempi concreti di Integrated Report.

IBCS-konformes Reporting in Power BI mit Zebra BI
December 3, 2024, 2:00 PM CET, Online (DE)

IBCS dla raportowania ESG (PL)
November 25, 2024, 1:00 PM CET, Online (PL)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in Polish with Edyta Szarska.
Zobacz, jak uniknąć najczęstszych pułapek i skutecznie przekazywać kluczowe informacje na temat ESG, na podstawie przykładów z raportów zintegrowanych znanych firm.

IBCS für ESG-Berichte (DE)
November 29, 2024, 10:00 AM CET, Online (DE)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in German with Jürgen Faisst.
Wir zeigen Ihnen anhand von praxisnahen Beispielen aus integrierten Berichten, wie Sie häufige Fallstricke vermeiden und wirkungsvolle ESG-Einblicke liefern können.

IBCS for ESG reporting (EN)
November 22, 2024, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM CET, Online (EN)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in English with Jürgen Faisst and Edyta Szarska.
We’ll show you how to avoid common pitfalls and deliver impactful ESG insights using real-life examples from integrated reports.

Effektive Datenvisualisierung mit IBCS und SAP Analytics Cloud
November 7, 2024, 4:00 PM CET, Online (DE)
Join webinar with Jürgen Faisst and Esin Özkan about effective data visualization with IBCS and SAP Analytics Cloud with live demo of the brand new IBCS features in SAC.

The FP&A Trends Webinar Leveraging Data Visualization: Empowering Strategic FP&A Decisions
November 6, 2024, 5:00 PM CET, Online (EN)
Join webinar featuring Jürgen Faisst, alongside Liran Edelist, Ph.D and Fernanda Noronha, as they share practical insights on how data visualization can drive more strategic decision-making.

October 03, 2024, 08:00 AM PT, 11:30 AM EDT, 05:00 PM CEST, Online (EN)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in English dedicated to American time zones.
Join our webinar and find out how you can use proper charts to visualise your message in order to present the business situation more clearly.

September 27, 2024, 10:00 AM CEST, Online (EN)
Learn about how IBCS community’s efforts and success have led to the registration of a project leading to a new ISO standard for the notation of business reports.
Diego Berea and Jürgen Faisst discussing in English language.

Vision-X-Future VxF24
September 26, 2024, 11:40 AM – 12:10 PM CEST, Frankfrurt (DE)
IBCS and ISO 24896 – Notation Standards for Reports and Their Automation.
“From Data to Reports to Decisions” – How transforming data into comprehensible information, AI and standarization suppports operational decisions. – lecture by Jürgen Faisst in German.

Financial Controlling Summit 2024
September 26, 2024, 4:45 PM CEST, Warsaw (PL)
“Jak oswoić Controlling z niepewną przyszłością? Trendy IBCS w świecie biznesu, które zmienią jakość Controllingu.” – lecture by Edyta Szarska in Polish.

Breakfast 4 Success: Analytics for Tomorrow
September 26, 2024, 10:10 AM – 10:50 AM, Winterthur (DE)
Lecture by Rolf Hichert for Plus-IT event in German: Wie IBCS die Qualität ihrer Datenvisualisierung verbessert.

September 25, 2024, 10:00 AM CEST, Online (TR)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in Turkish.
Raporlarınıza uzun açıklamalar eklemek yerine, iyi tasarlanmış grafikler kullanarak; mesajınızı hızlı ve etkili bir şekilde iletebilirsiniz.

September 20, 2024, 10:00 AM CEST, Online (PL)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in Polish.
Dowiedz się, jak w przejrzysty i poprawny sposób, można prezentować wyniki w wykresach.

September 19, 2024, 10:00 AM CEST, Online (DE)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in German.
Erfahren Sie, anhand von Diagrammen aus öffentlichen Berichten namhafter Unternehmen, wie Sie Ihre Botschaften so visualisieren können, dass man sie leichter versteht.

September 18, 2024, 6:00 PM CEST, Online (IT)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in Italian.
Scopri come gli IBCS possono rivoluzionare la tua visualizzazione dei dati. Utilizzando esempi reali dagli annual report di aziende rinomate, ti mostreremo quanto sia semplice migliorare i tuoi report.

September 17, 2024, 10:00 AM CEST, Online (EN)
Free online webinar for business report writers and readers in English.
Join our webinar and find out how you can use proper charts to visualise your message in order to present the business situation more clearly.

Building IBCS-compliant reports in Power BI
August 14, 2024, 11:00 AM CEST, Online (EN)
An exclusive LIVE DEMO in Power BI with Inforiver showing how to build IBCS-compliant reports in Power BI.

Unlock the Power of IBCS on SAP Analytics Cloud
July 9, 2024, 4:30 PM AEST, Online (EN)
Join the expert-led webinar to learn how IBCS can improve and standardize your data visualization, dashboarding, and reporting, making business communication clearer and more effective. With real-life examples from successful implementations, you’ll see how SAC and IBCS support better decision-making across your organization.

IBCS Lecture in Italy
June 13, 2024, 9:30 AM CEST, Milan (EN)
During the event, with the exclusive presence of the IBCS founders – Rolf Hichert and Jürgen Faisst, we will see who they are and their impact on enterprise reporting. In addition, you will be able to see first-hand practical cases of IBCS reporting in Excel and Power BI through Inriver and ZebraBI software.

IBCS Lecture
June 3, 6:00 PM (CEST), Wien (DE)
Lecture by Jürgen Faisst in German on how AI is fuelling IBCS rules and regulations.

Sofa Talk von SAP
A talk in German on what IBCS is and the idea behind it. Jürgen Faisst explains how widely IBCS is already being used and what role standards will play in the automation of report generation.

Power BI Visualizations and Creation by Havens Consulting
May 10, 6:30 PM CEST, Online (EN)
Interview with Jürgen Faisst: “Why High Density Dashboards Require Consistent Report Notation”.

April 25, 2:15 PM CEST, Online (DE)
Lecture by Jürgen Faisst in German on the IBCS for the Association of German Management Consultants (Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberatungen).

Vision-X-Future Data Summit
March 14, Zurich (DE)
A lecture by Rolf Hichert about the path of IBCS to the ISO standard.

Controlling Conference by EY Academy of Business
March 13, Warsaw (PL)
Lecture by Edyta Szarska at Forum Financial Controlling Transformation: Sztuka komponowania zrozumiałego przekazu dla wsparcia decydowania.

BI Champions
January 23, Online (EN)
Talk about Production Controlling, Reporting and IBCS by Simone Verza.

Plan Buddies Grand Kick-Off
January 11, 12:00 AM – 12:30 PM CET, Online (EN)
Join the event to attend the lecture by Jürgen Faisst: What FP&A professionals can learn from musicians.

December 13, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CET, Online (EN)
Webinar in partnership with ACCA Europe for business report writers and readers: “Report it with charts – understanding business visually”.

IBCS lecture for ICV EU
November 16, 2023, Online (EN)
Lecture by Jürgen Faisst: “Understanding income and other statements with ease and speed”.
Find out the IBCS guidelines for the consistent design of tables. Learn how the application of IBCS guidelines successfully impacts the effectiveness of FP&A communication.

Graphomate webinar about IBCS
November 8, 3:00 – 3:30 PM CET, Online (EN)
Join the webinar titled “One fits all – learn about the latest developments at graphomate” and find out how graphomate’s products integrate into all tools and implement the IBCS Standards.

October 26, 2023, 1:30 PM (CEST), Frankfurt (EN)
Why the writeback function delivers superior results in data analysis – speech by Geneve Schwan, HICO-Group.

October 24, 11:15 AM (CEST), Warsaw (PL)
“7 nawyków niewłaściwych wizualizacji informacji.” – lecture by Edyta Szarska in Polish.

Understanding income and other statements with ease and speed
October 19, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CEST, Online (EN)
Webinar in partnership with ACCA Europe for business report writers and readers: “Understanding income and other statements with ease and speed”.

October 18, 1:45 PM (CEST), Warsaw (PL)
“7 zasad prawidłowej prezentacji budżetu – jak standardy IBCS pomagają rozumieć przyszłość i trafnie decydować ” – lecture by Edyta Szarska in Polish.

October 17, 10:30 AM (CEST), Cracow (PL)
“7 nawyków niewłaściwych wizualizacji informacji.” – lecture by Edyta Szarska in Polish.

Online lecture on CXO benefits from using IBCS Notation Manual
September 27, 2023, 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM CEST on Zoom (DE)
Lecture by Jürgen Faisst: NOTATIONSHANDBUCH | Ein absolutes Muss für das CFO-Office.
Eine einheitliche Notation ist der ultimative Tipp für leichter verständliche Berichte. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie ein Notationshandbuch erstellen und die wichtigsten Regeln auf einem Cheat Sheet festhalten.

Online lecture on CXO benefits from using IBCS Notation Manual
September 27, 2021, 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CEST on Zoom (PL)
Lecture by Edyta Szarska: PODRĘCZNIK OZNACZEŃ RAPORTÓW | Niezbędny w biurze CFO.
Spójna notacja to najlepszy sposób na zrozumiałe raporty. Dowiedz się, jak stworzyć podręcznik notacji i jak umieścić najważniejsze zasady na podręcznej ściągawce, aby były łatwe do zastosowania.

Online lecture on CXO benefits from using IBCS Notation Manual
September 14, 2023, 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM CEST on Zoom (EN)
Lecture by Jürgen Faisst: REPORT NOTATION MANUAL | Must-have for the CFO office.
Consistent notation is the ultimate tip for easier-to-understand reports. Learn how to create a notation manual and how to put the most important rules on a cheat sheet so they’re easy to apply.

How to standardise reporting with IBCS?
September 12, 11:00-11:30 AM (CEST), Online (NL with EN subtitles)
Find out what IBCS is all about and how you can implement these standards in your organisation. The webinar will be conducted by Paul Damen, IBCS Certified Trainer.

Swiss CFO event
August 30, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM CEST, Zurich (EN)
Semantic Notation for Better Financial Report Comprehension – speech by Jürgen Faisst during exclusive face-to-face networking event.

June 21, 2023, 1:15 PM CET, Online (DE)
Der Vortrag von Jürgen Faisst für die ERFA-Gruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Personalführung (DGFP) über Storytelling & Dashboards:
− Unterschiede von Dashboards und Storytelling
− Optimierungsmöglichkeiten
− Standards

What business management can learn from musicians?
June 20, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CEST, Online (EN)
Webinar in partnership with ACCA Europe for business report writers and readers: “What business management can learn from musicians? Design guidelines for better understanding reports.”.

June 19, 10:00 CEST, Warsaw (EN)
Lecture by Rolf Hichert: Great insights in short time | How standards in report design can increase productivity.

Consultnetwork webinar about IBCS
May 16, 2:00-2:20 PM CEST, Online (DE)
Webinar in German: Rollierender Forecast mit CCH Tagetik unter Berücksichtigung der IBCS-Standards.
In this webinar, you will learn about the advantages of the rolling forecast and how the IBCS standards can also be applied in the planning process.

IBCS lecture for students
May 9, 5:00-6:00 PM CEST, Warsaw (PL)
Lecture in Polish by Edyta Szarska at the Warsaw School of Economics during the Data Science Conference 23.

CUG User Conference
May 4, 10:30 CEST, Frankfurt (DE)
Lecture in German by Julian Vogelbacher: IBCS – Visualierungsstandards für Cognos Analytics.

The FP&A Trends Webinar
April 4, 2023, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CEST, Online (EN)
International panel of speakers with Jürgen Faisst at The FP&A Trends Webinar: The Winning Formula for FP&A Storytelling. Jürgen questions the suitability of dashboards for storytelling.

IBCS lecture in Croatian
March 24, 2023, Umag (HR)
Lecture by Mladen Meter at the Croatian Institute of Internal Auditors conference: “Izrada profesionalnih izvještaja prema HICHERT – IBCS standardima”.

March 22, 2023, Szczecin (PL)
Lecture by Tomasz Zielinski about implementation of Self-Service BI and IBCS Standards during meeting of the regional working group ICV SZCZECIN.

IBCS webinar in German
March 15, 2023, 3:00 PM CET, Online (DE)
Jürgen Faisst: Einfaches und schnelles Verständnis tabellarischer Ergebnisrechnungen

Forum Financial Controlling Days 2023
March 14-15, 2023, Warsaw and online (PL)
Lecture during the “Financial Controlling Days 2023 Forum. Kontroler finansowy jako smart data leader” organised by EY Academy of Business Polska.
Edyta Szarska: Jak trend high density prowadzi firmy do sukcesu, czyli właściwe zagęszczenie informacji controllingowej.

March 11, 2023, Online (NL)
Lecture by Gaby Teunissen and Paul Damen during the Power BI Users Group at Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. The speakers will talk about all the do’s and don’ts of visualisation and show how IBCS standards help you report more effectively.

Lecture for the group of the German Human Resources Management Association (DGFP)
March 2, 2023, 1:15 PM CET, Online (DE)
Der Vortrag von Jürgen Faisst für die ERFA-Gruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Personalführung (DGFP) über Storytelling & Dashboards:
− Unterschiede von Dashboards und Storytelling
− Optimierungsmöglichkeiten
− Standards

IBCS webinar in English
March 1, 2023, 5:00 PM CET, Online (EN)
Jürgen Faisst: Understanding income and other statements with ease and speed | IBCS guidelines for the consistent design of tables.

IBCS webinar in Polish
February 17, 2023, 10:30 AM CET, Online (PL)
Edyta Szarska: Róbmy proste i zrozumiałe tabele z wynikami biznesowymi.
Gość specjalny: Paweł Wierzbowski, PZU, IBCS Certified Analyst
Free webinar during which, using tables from annual reports as an example, the IBCS trainer will suggest how easily we can improve our data visualisation habits, according to the IBCS rules.

IBCS webinar in Italian
December 19, 2022, Online (IT)
Simone Verza will be a guest of the Italian branch of the IMA | Institute of Management Accountants to talk about IBCS and illustrate 5 principles that can be applied immediately to improve the understanding and efficiency of reports.

Road To Excellence | NZS SGH
December 8, 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 PM CET, Warsaw (PL)
Lecture in Polish as part of a student project organised at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH).
Edyta Szarska: IBCS top tricks | Jak prosto i zrozumiale prezentować informacje na top managementu.

Lecture in Italian
December 1, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CET, Online (IT)
IBCS: passato, presente e futuro del Reporting aziendale by Simone Verza and Rolf Hichert.

Project Finance Institute Expert Webinar
November 22, 2022, 5:00pm – 6:00pm CET, Online (EN)
Edyta Szarska: Solid, outlined, hatched – Better comprehensible reports by applying the IBCS Standards.

Webinar about the IBCS notation in Spanish
November 17, 2022, Online (ES)
Manuel H. Ramirez: Introduccion a los estándares del IBCS.

BI: How to Get the Most from Your Data
October 20, 2022, Online (EN)
Edyta Szarska: From data to the Boardroom | IBCS top tips for simple and understandable reports and dashboards.

September 26, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM CEST, Online (EN)
Rolf Hichert and Jürgen Faisst: Highly condensed dashboard visuals.

Reporting Day
September 23, 2022, 11:35, Online (EN)
Jürgen Faisst: Dashboards, storytelling and decision supporting.

CUG Online Videoconference
September 22, 2022, 4:10 PM CEST, Online (DE)
Jürgen Faisst introducing the IBCS Standards to the Cognos User Group

September 15, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Online (PL)
Edyta Szarska: Jak zaprezentujesz plan na 2023? Kilka porad IBCS.

September 7, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Online (ES)
Manuel H. Ramirez, Jürgen Faisst: Introducción a los Estándares del IBCS.

FInEx Finance Innovation & Excellence Summit
September 7, 2022, 3:37 – 3:57 PM (CEST), Online (EN)
Jürgen Faisst: “The Future of Storytelling: Automation and Standardization”

Reporting efficace con gli IBCS
August 3, 2022, 6:00 PM (CEST), Online (EN)
Interview by Simone Verza with Jürgen Faisst on the effectiveness of dashboards and main difficulties in reporting.

TOP 5 IBCS: cinque consigli per migliorare il Reporting aziendale
July 20, 2022, 6:00 PM, Online (IT)
Free webinar in Italian on the five most important rules of the IBCS to improve reporting efficiency and understanding by Simone Verza.

IBCS Annual Conference 2022
June 24, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (CEST), Berlin and online
SUCCESSful dashboarding and storytelling in various business domains

Actionable Reporting Virtual Summit
June 9, 2022
Rolf Hichert: What’s the secret sauce to making modern reporting successful

LucaNet in Kombination mit der SAP Analytics Cloud
May 24, 2022, 2:00 PM (DE)
Wie LucaNet Daten in der SAP HANA Datenbank verfügbar gemacht werden und wie die Erstellung eines darauf basierenden Reports nach dem ONE PAGE Prinzip und den IBCS Standards funktioniert.

May 24, 2022, 7:00 PM (CEST), Online (EN)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: “Better insights from visually consistent dashboards”.

2nd International Controlling Conference in Macedonia
May 6, 2022, Online (EN)
Edyta Szarska: What executives expect from controlling reports and dashboards.

WEBCAST Reihe | Teil I: Einführung in Tableau und IBCS
April 28, 2022, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Online (DE)
Wie kann man IBCS-Regeln mit Hilfe der Graphomate-Erweiterung in Tableau einfach in das Berichtswesen integrieren?

The Importance of IBCS standards
April 5, 2022, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Online (EN)
Learn how to seamlessly add IBCS standards into Microstrategy.
Speakers: Jürgen Faisst, Marian Plum and Hema Pratapa

Designing Effective Visualisations to Communicate Data Stories
March 26, 2022, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Online (EN)
Learn basic visual principles and best practices for creating clear and understandable data visualisations that bring the main message with Sebastian Baumhauer, Diana Mitache, Charlotte Cabane and Jacqueline Stählin.

BI and IBCS: Two steps to performance measurement
March 17, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (IT)
BI e IBCS: Due step per la misurazione delle performance – lecture in Italian by Simone Verza and Katiuscia Marchesan.

Online lecture on CXO benefits from IBCS notations
December 14, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CET on Zoom (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Jak wizualne oznaczenia IBCS pomagają rozumieć marże.

Big Data & AI World Frankfurt
December 9, 2021, 1:00 PM CET, Online (EN)
Lecture Lars Schubert: “Why meaningful and standardized visualizations matter! Towards a better understanding of your report”

Online lecture on CXO benefits from IBCS notations
November 25, 2021, 9:00 CET on Zoom (EN)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Better insights from consistent reports and dashboards.

Conference in Spanish
November 22, 2021, online 6 PM to 7.30 PM (ES)
“IBCS, Estándar de Reporting Empresarial y Visualización de la Información. Aproximación al contenido del reporting financiero” by Xavier Subirats and José Sanfeliu Ribot.
UDIMA, the Online University of Madrid and CEF, Centre of Financial Studies

November 18, 2021 (EN)
„Ever heard of IBCS? A way towards meaningful reporting with standardized visualizations“ – why a consistent visual language is key to a better understanding of your reports? by Stefanie Schröder.

Experience4U by Unit4
November 16-17, 2021 (EN)
FP&A Today and Tomorrow – roadmap for an open solution, ERP integration, performance and some fresh ideas on reporting and storytelling by Rolf Hichert.

International Controlling Conference
November 11-12, 2021 (EN)
IBCS with SAP Analytics Cloud presented by Melanie Holzapfel

Was erwartet Unternehmen bei der IBCS-Einführung?
November 9, 2021 (DE)
Unter dem Motto „IBCS Einführung – eine Herausforderung?“ wird Jens Ropers die Ergebnisse der IBCS-Umfrage der CA controller akademie vorstellen.

November 2, 2021, Hamburg (EN)
Get a good understanding of what effective communication in business is like and learn how to implement it from Rolf Hichert.

Financial Controlling Summit 2022
October 13, 2021 (PL)
What does Business expect from reports prepared by Controllers? with Edyta Szarska

The Future of Data & Analytics
September 30, 2021 (EN)
Semantic notation – The next big thing in Business Intelligence with Jürgen Faisst.

TIP DAYs 2021
September 29, 2021 online (DE)
Lecture Frank Mühlenfeld: Entscheidungsrelevante Berichte mit IBCS

Longview Webinar
September 23, 2021 (DE)
Effizienz, Qualität und modernes Design – Longview ist das, was Du daraus machst

Inforiver product launch
September 23, 2021 at 4 PM to 5 PM CEST (in EN)
Reporting with Ease and Speed – One-Click IBCS using Inforiver with Jürgen Faisst

Generation CFO Bootcamp
September 22, 2021 online
Visualisation Transformation 101 – the best practice to maximise visual impact with Jürgen Faisst

Chief Data Officer Forum
September 22, 2021 online (in Polish)
Data visualization in the context of business decision making with Edyta Szarska

CIMA Poland at Warsaw School of Economics
September 9, 2021 in Warsaw (EN)
What does business expect from reports and dashboards? with Dr. Jürgen Faisst and Prof. Dr. Rolf Hichert

July 15, 2021 online (DE)
Effizientes Reporting durch Mustererkennung mithilfe der IBCS® am Beispiel der SAP Analytics Cloud

July 13, 2021 online (DE)
Reporting mit Microsoft Power BI auf CCH Tagetik nach den IBCS-Standards

EY Academy of Business, Financial Controlling Transformation 2021
June 15 and 16, 2021 online (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska in Polish: Jak przygotować wartościową informację zarządczą wg IBCS® dla szybkich i trafnych decyzji biznesowych?

Corporate Planner: Neuheiten im Live-Stream
June 15, 2021, online (DE)
With keynote of Dr. Rolf Hichert: Mehr Reporting für Ihr Controlling: Klare Botschaften verständlich gestalten

What does Business expect from reports and dashboards?
June 1, 2021, online, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (CEST)
Join the discussion of Jürgen Faisst and Dietmar Pascher about IBCS.

Product launch of financial reporting made easy
May 19, 2021, 2:00 PM – 4 PM (GMT+1)
Virtual product launch & demo with Dr. Rolf Hichert and Andrej Lapajne

Achieve Consistent Reporting Across Your Company with IBCS
April 15, 2021, 6:00 PM CET
Session with Rolf Hichert, founder of the IBCS Institute and President of the IBCS Association, and Andrej Lapajne, founder and CEO of Zebra BI .

Online themaserie Analytics binnen het finance domein
April 6, 8, 13, 2021 (Dutch)
Ronald van Lent, IBCS Certified Trainer lecture:
1) What do a driver, an architect and a musician have in common that a CFO does not?
2) Why has SAP chosen to have SAC (re)certified as IBCS compliant?

FP&A Virtual Roundtable Series – Storytelling with Data
March 24, 2021, 3:00 PM CDT
Session of Jürgen Faisst and Brian Kalish about translating numbers into a language that the whole business can understand.

March 18, 2021, 10:15 AM CET
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: How to achieve better and faster understanding of reports and dashboards

Düz, Çevrili, Taralı
March 16, 2021, 10:00 Turkish time on Zoom (TR)
Lecture Esin Özkan: Rapor ve Dashboardlarda Görsel Tutarlılık

March 16, 2021 online (DE)
Lecture Mario Rosenfelder: Reporting mit Microsoft Power BI nach den IBCS-Standards

The FP&A Trends Webinar: FP&A Data Visualization: Moving from Insight to Impact
March 9, 2021, 11:00 PST
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: FP&A Dashboards: CFOs don’t like it colorful

Braincourt Experten-Webcast
February 26, 2021, 14:00 online (DE)
Lecture Viktoria Winkler: Success Story: Wie die Einführung eines Notationskonzepts nach IBCS gelingt

February 24 and 25, 2021 Livestream (EN)
Jürgen Faisst in two roles:
- Panel discussion guest: “The future of the finance function; it’s all about what our business needs from us”
- Master class training: “What executives really want from dashboards”

12. Collaborative Business Intelligence and IBCS® with TRUECHART
February 12, 2021, 11:00 AM CET
Do you recognize the important contents of your dashboard at a single view? See how you can save time with IBCS for faster decision making through clear semantic notation rules!

Solid, outlined, hatched
February 4, 2021, 11:00 CET on Zoom (HR)
Lecture Mladen Meter: How visual consistency helps better understand reports, presentations and dashboards

Solid, outlined, hatched
February 2, 2021, 11:00 CET on Zoom (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Konsekwencja wizualna w raportach i dashboardach

consultnetwork live-webinar
February 2, 2021 online (DE)
Lecture Mario Rosenfelder: Reporting mit der SAP Analytics Cloud auf CCH Tagetik on SAP HANA 2.0 gemäß den IBCS-Standards

HICO Academy
Jan 29, 2021 online (EN)
Lecture Michael Schwan: IBCS and commenting with TRUECHART

Il Controller Risponde
Jan 21, 2021 online on LinkedIn (EN)
Interview Simone Verza with Andrej Lapajne: The future of reporting with IBCS Standards in Excel and Power BI

Management Information Forum
Nov 19 and 20, 2020 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Effective KPI reporting for management board and owners due to IBCS®

8 International Controlling Conference Croatia: The Time to Wow is Now
November 12-13, 2020 via Zoom (en)
Lecture Andrej Lapajne: Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis in Power BI and Excel
Lecture Edyta Sarska: IBCS – Just a Matter of Time
Lecture Xavier Subirats Alcoverro: Boards of Directors – How Better Reporting (Board Book) Improves Board Meetings

19. CIB Controlling Inspiration Berlin
November 7, 2020, Berlin (DE)
Lecture Arne-Kristian Schulz: Wir ist mehr – gemeinsam datengetrieben entscheiden. Kollaborative Funktionen für Data & Analytics Applikationen

Jedox Webinar
October 29, 2020
Lecture Brian Kalish, Kalish Consulting and Eric Baldwin, Jedox, Inc: Learn How FP&A Can Thrive, Not Just Survive

October 22, 2020 (Livestream)
Jürgen Faisst, speaker on the topic “How do you make ‘best-in-class’ reporting a reality?”

Fachtagung Information Management
October 15, 2020 (Livestream)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Führungskräfte wünschen keine bunten Dashboards!

Solid, outlined, hatched
October 13 2020, 10:00 CEST on Zoom (en)
Lecture Edyta Szarska and Jürgen Faisst: How visual consistency helps better understand reports, presentations and dashboards

EY Forum Financial Controlling Transformation 2020
June 2-3, 2020 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: New controlling trands. How to be real value for business.

Virtual Accounting & Finance Summit
May 14-15, 2020
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Easier to understand reports and dashboards – your plus in the crisis

Online seminar: IBCS – What it is and why you need to know about it!
March 17, 2020
Bernie Smith, Ronald van Lent

IBCS® Free Lecture @KPI SYNC in San Francisco
November 12, 2019 (US)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Semantic Notation for Better Report Comprehension

IBCS® Free Lecture @KPI SYNC in Chicago
November 7, 2019 (US)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Semantic Notation for Better Report Comprehension

IBCS® Free Lecture @KPI SYNC in New York
November 5, 2019 (US)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Semantic Notation for Better Report Comprehension

31st Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues
October 13, 2019 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: IBCS® standards as a concept for unified visual notations of management reports, presentations and dashboards

MicroStrategy Webcast
September 25, 2019
Jürgen Faisst and Hema Pratapa: VitaraCharts-Bibliothek and the IBCS Standards

Business Intelligence Congress
September 25, 2019 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Sales Reporting according to IBCS®

September 24, 2019 in Frankfurt/Main (DE)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Visuelle Einheitlichkeit von Berichten – was Controller von Musikern lernen können

Financial Controlling Summit
September 24, 2019 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: IBCS® Top Ten for presentations of management information

June 24, 2019 in Düsseldorf (DE)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS® Standards: What management accountants can learn from musicians?

CIA Congress Warsaw
May 28, 2019 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: How to choose the right expression to the words of the message we want to convey? Examples of IBCS® reporting of variances.

ICV Work Group Meeting
May 23, 2019 in Badalona (ES)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: IBCS top ten synthesis of IBCS rules for good presentation

Trio conferences
May 14-15, 2019 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Message first. Strong visualisation second

FH Joanneum in Graz
May 9, 2019 in Graz (AT)
Lecture Rolf Hichert: Warum viele Managementberichte nicht verstanden werden (können)

IBCS® Free Lecture
May 8, 2019 in Zürich (CH)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS® – Was Controller von Musikern lernen können

BI Vision 2019
April 11, 2019 in St. Leon-Rot (DE)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Management-Dashboards als Partituren für Unternehmens-Dirigenten

Polish Business Analytics Summit
March 21-22, 2019 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Message first. Strong visualisation second.

IMA UK Annual Chapter Meeting
February 26, 2019 in London (UK)
Lecture Ronald van Lent: Effective and Efficient Reporting: advantages of notation standards

January 24, 2019 in Düsseldorf (DE)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS® – Was Controller von Musikern lernen können

IBCS® evening lecture in Warsaw
January 14, 2019 at Warsaw School of Economics (PL)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS notation standards – What management accountants can learn from musicians

Management Information and Data Visualisation
December 13-14, 2018 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: 10 ways of variances reporting according to IBCS
Lecture Piotr Biliński: Variances visualisation according to IBCS in Excel

November 15, 2018 in Zagreb (HR)
Lecture Rolf Hichert: Top and bottom 5 of International Business Communication Standards

Kongres Controllerow
November 14-15, 2018 in Gdynia (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska: Controller attitude change is a must – AI in analytics is coming

Breakfast Seminar for FP&A Professionals in London
November 8, 2018 in London (UK)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Semantic notation for better report comprehension

DAIR to share
November 7-8, 2018 in Zonheuvel in Doorn (NL)
Lecture Ronald van Lent: International Business Communication Standards

Breakfast Seminar for FP&A Professionals in Zürich
November 7, 2018 in Zürich (CH)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Semantic notation for better report comprehension

Breakfast Seminar for FP&A Professionals in Amsterdam
November 6, 2018 in Amsterdam (NL)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Semantic notation for better report comprehension

ICV Warsaw WG meeting
October 25-26, 208 in Warsaw (PL)
One page reporting. Data visualisation for controlling.

Axians – Public Insights & Innovations
September 27, 2018 in Amersfoort (NL)
Lecture Ronald van Lent: International Business Communication Standards

IBCS® Free Lecture in Vienna
September 24, 2018 in Vienna (AT)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS® – Was Controller von Musikern lernen können

IMA Annual Chapter Meeting 2018
June 13, 2018 in Zürich (CH)
Lecture Raphael Branger: True and Fair View in Reporting – advantages of notation standards and professional data management

IBCS® Free lecture @CIMA London
June 6, 2018 in London (UK)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS notation standards – What management accountants can learn from musicians

4. Forum Informacji Zarządczej
May 25, 2018 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Piotr Biliński, Controlling Partner, Warsaw

Financial Planning & Analysis
May 22-23, 2018 in Warsaw (PL)
Lecture Edyta Szarska, Controlling Partner, Warsaw

Data & BI Summit Dublin
April 24-26, 2018 in Dublin (IE)
Lecture Andrej Lapajne: Building Spectacular Power BI Dashboards – IBCS semantic notation and Microsoft case study presented by Zebra BI

SAP Live Campus Basel 2018
March 6-7, 2018 in Basel
Business Summit Roundtable with Rolf Hichert: Effektives Management Reporting durch Standardisierung nach IBCS®

IBCS® Free lecture @Controller Academy Zagreb
December 5, 2017 in Zagreb (HR)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: IBCS® – What data analysts and report designers can learn from musicians

Financial Management – Neue Steuerungskonzepte in Zeiten der Digitalisierung
November 28, 2017 in Zurich (CH)
Lecture Rolf Hichert: Reporting Standards in Financial Management

Mazepoint Jedox Roadshow
November 14, 2017 in London (UK)
Opening Keynote Jürgen Faisst: What data analysts and financial report designers can learn from musicians

IBCS® Free lecture @Microsoft
October 19, 2017 in Redmond WA (US)
Lecture Andrej Lapajne: Dr. Hichert’s IBCS – Designing world-class reports, dashboards, presentation…

IBCS® Lecture @AHK Spain
October 10, 2017 in Madrid (ES)
Lecture Xavier Subirats, Amsel Assessor S.L.: IBCS® WITH SUCCESS – How communication standards help understand reports and presentations

AGORA 17 – European CXO-Cockpit Customer Conference
September 18-19, 2017 in Amsterdam (NL)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: What data analysts and report designers can learn from musicians

Cubeware Infotag 2017
September 8, 2017 in Rosenheim (DE)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Das können Controller von Musikern lernen!

Free SUCCESS formula online seminar for Asia Pacific
September 6, 2017
Online seminar with Dr. Rolf Hichert, Managing Partner HICHERT+FAISST, and Greg Davey, IBCS® Certified Consultant at gdBI: Want to decrease decision making time on your reports, presentations and dashboards?

Free SUCCESS formula online seminar
August 24, 2017
Online seminar with Steve Adams, Senior Consultant, Visual DJ, Ltd.: How many analysts does it take to change a lightbulb?

European TDWI Conference 2017
June 26-28, 2017 in Munich (DE)
Workshop with Raphal Branger: Übung macht den Meister – Anforderungen an ein Dashboard praktisch erheben
Lecture of Arne-Kristian Schulz, Dirk U. Proff and Jörn Kohlhammer about an eye tracking study on IBCS® in cooperation with Munich university

IBCS® Public Seminar
June 22, 2017 in New York (US)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: What data analysts & report designers can learn from musicians

5th Annual Financial Controlling Toolbox
June 20-21, 2017 in Prague (CZ)
Keynote Rolf Hichert: Benefits of visualization standards.
The next big thing in business intelligence?
Organizer: EBCG European Business Conference Group

IMA’s Annual Conference 2017
June 17-21, 2017 in Denver (US)
Lecture Heimo Losbichler, Jürgen Faisst: Leveraging visual design for enhanced reporting

BI 2017
June 14-16, 2017 in Amsterdam (NL)
Two lectures by Kristof Gramm:
- Achieve reporting excellence with SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
- International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) and SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: A perfect match for better, faster, and easier report development and higher user adoption

IBCS® Public Seminar @ SAP
June 14, 2017 in Vancouver BC (CA)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: What data analysts & report designers can learn from musicians
Organizer: Grid Dynamics Inc.

IBCS® Public Seminar @ Microsoft
June 13, 2017 in Vancouver BC (CA)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: Clear financial reporting and analytics with IBCS® and Microsoft technology
Organizer: 3AG Systems Inc. and GRID Dynamics Inc.

firesys day 2017
May 24, 2017 in Kronberg (DE)
Key note and workshop with Jürgen Faisst: Conceptual and visual design of reports based on the IBCS® Standards

ICV Congress 2017 in Poland
March 31, 2017 in Warsaw (PL)
Presentation Andrej Lapajne: The traffic signs for the management. Best practices in designing reports, dashboards and presentations

4th International Controlling Conference in Croatia
November 8, 2016 in Zagreb (HR)
Presentation Dietmar Pascher: Graz Annual Report – a closer look through a magnifying glass
Organizer: Kontroling Kognosko d.o.o.
Download slides

openSAP thought leaders
October 11 to November 9, 2016, online
Course with Rolf Hichert and Jürgen Faisst: Semantic Notation – The next big thing in BI?
10 open online units delivered by SAP

IMA Inside Talk
June 28, 2016, online seminar
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: How IBCS® notation standards help understand reports
Organizer: IMA | The Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business

Longview Dialog EMEA 2016
June 16-17, 2016 in Brühl (DE)
Keynote Rolf Hichert: Visualizing the future – the future of visualizing. Benefits of visual standards in business communication.

ICV Conference 2015
December 15, 2015 in Warsaw (PL)
Keynote Jürgen Faisst: IBCS® Standards – Faster creation and easier understanding of reports and presentations.

Longview Dialog 2015
September 14-15, 2015, in Bagshot Surrey (UK)
Keynote Jürgen Faisst: Got the message? How IBCS® Notation Standards help understand financial reports.

European TDWI Conference 2015
June 22-24, 2015 in Munich (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Benefits of Visualization Standards in Business Communication

IBCS Annual Conference 2015
June 19, 2015 at Royal Philips Global Headquarters, Amsterdam (NL)

BI 2015
June 16-18, 2015 in Nice (FR)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Benefits of visualisation design standards

VI Congresso del ACCID
May 28-29, 2015 in Barcelona (ES)
Presentation Jürgen Faisst: With SUCCESS to International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®)

2nd International Controlling Conference in Croatia
November 5, 2014, Sheraton Hotel, Zagreb (HR)
Presentation Jürgen Faisst: With SUCCESS to IBCS® – Notation standards in business communication and their practical benefits

BOAK – Business Objects Arbeitskreis 2014
September 14, 2014 in Zürich (CH)
Lecture Jürgen Faisst: International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®) auf der Basis von HICHERT®SUCCESS.

HICHERT®IBCS Annual Conference
June 23/24, 2014 in Frankfurt/Main (DE)

Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2014
June 12, 2014 in Rüschlikon/Zürich (CH)
Lecture Rolf Hichert: Mehr Transparenz bei visuellen Darstellungen

Tableau Conference On Tour
May 26‒28, 2014, Munich (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Visualisierungstechniken verwenden …

Business Intelligence Agenda 2014
March 31 to April 2, 2014 in Zurich (CH)
Organizer: BARC GmbH and Vereon AG

13. Adriatic ICV Controlling Conference: Beyond Controlling
October 17, 2013 in Bled (SI)
Organizer: Internationaler Controller Verein

HICHERT®SUCCESS mit QlikView erfolgreich einführen
June 26, 2013 in Zurich (CH)
Organizer: PricewaterhouseCoopers AG

HICHERT®SUCCESS Annual Conference 2013
June 16/17, 2013 in Frankfurt/Main (DE)

HICHERT®SUCCESS Annual Conference 2012
September 3/4, 2012 in Frankfurt/Main (DE)

DSAG – SAP Customer Conference
June 22, 2012 in St. Leon-Rot (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Damit Berichte etwas berichten

CubeServ BI-Kongress 2012
Redefining BI – Business Intelligence ohne Grenzen?
May 24, 2012 in Rümlang (CH)
May 31, 2012 in Köln (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Geschäftsdaten in Form von Berichten, Präsentation und interaktiven Systemen verständlich vermitteln: Gibt es allgemeingültige Regeln?

Bissantz Intensivseminar Industriereporting
Bella Reporting Standards
May 15, 2012 in Nürnberg (DE)

Fachtagung Managementberichte
October 4, 2011 in Zürich (CH)
November 3, 2011 in Vienna (AT)
November 24, 2011 in Hamburg (DE)
Organizer: Controller Akademie
Speakers: Rolf Hichert and Dietmar Pascher

May 5, 2011 in Vienna (AT)
June 16, 2011 in Zurich (CH)
October 20, 2011 in Hamburg (DE)
November 8, 2011 in Munich (DE)
Organizer: pmOne
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Geschäftsdaten professionell präsentieren

IDL-Fachforum 2011 mit Prof. Dr. h. c. Lothar Späth
October 5, 2011 in Eltville (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Ein Regelwerk zur professionellen Berichterstattung

GFT-VAF Herbsttagung
September 29/30, 2011 in Essen (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Tipps für erfolgreiche Geschäftspräsentationen

Palo Open 2011
September 15/16, 2011 in Europapark Rust (DE)
Lecture Rolf Hichert: EXECUTIVE REPORTING: Informationen liefern oder Verwirrung stiften?

GfWM Roundtable
July 7, 2011 in Frankfurt/Main (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Macht uns die PowerPoint-Kultur dumm?

10. Heilbronn Controlling Forum
June 9, 2011 in Heilbronn (DE)
Lecture of Rolf Hichert in the Best-of-Forum

April 13/14, 2011 in Denzlingen (DE)
Organizer: Kern AG, Freiburg
Lecture Roman Griesfelder: The 7 SUCCESS rules

March 31 to April 1, 2011 in Düsseldorf/Kaarst (DE)
Keynote Rolf Hichert: Warum viele Manager ihre Berichte nicht verstehen (können)

TU München, Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Controlling
January 26, 2011 in Munich (DE)
Rolf Hichert with Prof. Friedl with a lecture about “Die Kehrseite der Powerpointkultur im Berichtswesen moderner Unternehmen”

Deloitte-Oracle Client Forum
November 25/26, 2010 in Hamburg (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Executive Reporting – Delivering Information or Causing Confusion?

35. Congress der Controller
June 14/15, 2010 in Munich (DE)
Organizer: Internationaler Controllerverein ICV
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Die Kosten der PowerPoint-Kultur

IBM Cognos Finance Forum 2010
April 28, 2010 in Wiesbaden (DE)
Presentation Rolf Hichert: Über die Kosten nicht verstandener Berichte – oder: Was macht Berichte wichtig und interessant?