Moritz Hofmaier
Moritz Hofmaier works as a BI-Consultant for avantum consult GmbH. avantum is a business analytics specialist located in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that focuses on the topics analytics strategy, reporting and analytics, data management and big data, planning and forecasting and others.
Moritz Hofmaier is a Master of Science in Computer Science and Information-oriented Business Management with a focus on databases and information systems. He’s been working in the area of business intelligence for three years. At the moment he focuses on reporting and planning projects in different branches. His technology focus is mainly SAP Analytics Cloud as well as SAP Business Warehouse.
In addition to the samples provided here, other project references can be requested from avantum consult GmbH.
IBCS® Certified Consultant
Moritz Hofmaier has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the HICHERT+FAISST IBCS Institute in February 2021.
Work samples
The reports are created with SAP Analytics Cloud and contain dummy data.
Revenue analysis by business segments including the age of the segments The report shows a revenue analysis by business segments. Since the new business segments a performing considerably better, a heatmap was added to highlight the age of the respective segments. The comment sections offers the possibility to explain certain deviations from plan.
Revenue deviation analysis by segment The report shows the plan deviation during the year by business segments as well as the whole company. Actual data is compared to plan data. FC data is used instead of actuals for open periods. With the use of scaling areas, even total year values can be displayed. This enables quick insight in the current and the predicted situation of the segments as well as the total company.