René Schnitzler
René Schnitzler is Project Manager at Corporate Planning. René has years of cross-sector project experience including the design and implementation of corporate management solutions (planning, analysis and reporting).
René Schnitzler is Project Manager at Corporate Planning. As a trained banker and graduate in business administration, René brings with him a profound understanding of financing and corporate management through his work in the corporate customer business at a bank and through his many years of work as a restructuring consultant. As such, he designed and implemented integrated corporate management solutions for companies and corporate groups in transition phases as an expert.
His focus today is on the implementation of planning and reporting solutions from CP AG. He has many years of cross-industry project experience in the design and conceptual development and digitization of corporate management models (operative controlling, integrated financial and success planning and consolidation)
An important part of his current work is the development and implementation of integrated control and reporting solutions using the IBCS reporting from Corporate Planner hi-chart®

IBCS® Certified Consultant
René Schnitzler has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in October 2022.

Work sample 1 In this one-pager report, the upper diagrams show the overall performance and the annual surplus over time based on actual and FC values compared to the original planning and cumulative values. The viewer can immediately see from which individual months significant deviations in performance and results result and how these affect the updated FC in society. In the diagrams below, an aggregated income statement with cumulative annual values as of 30.06. as well as annual values including FC at the end of the financial year for the entire company. The comments help the viewer to understand and interpret the essential relationships and changes in the course of business and to derive appropriate actions.
Work sample 2 This one-pager report shows the effects of a statutory branch closure in the Corona FC scenario and its impact as part of an integrated financial plan at the end of the financial year. The new report enables a clearer and immediate comparison of the individual effects on the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement, since the variance bars are presented in a logical sequence and with the same scaling.