Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński
Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński is the chairman of the board at Akademia Controllingu Sp. z o.o., the delegate for Poland (CEO of ICV POLAND) at the International Association of Controllers (ICV), the author of the RPCA concept, and a lecturer at several universities on the subject of the RPCA concept, cost accounting, controlling and management reporting.
Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński is a business expert, consultant and trainer with practical experience in the area of cost and profitability management, controlling, management reporting, process management and business intelligence.
He is the chairman of the board and co-founder of Akademia Controllingu Sp. z o.o and an executive director of ICV POLAND (delegate for Poland) at the International Association of Controllers (ICV).
He is the author of the advanced Resource and Process Consumption Accounting (RPCA) concept, which is implemented in large capital groups and enterprises from many production, commercial, financial and service sectors.
He is also the author of the first complete book about the RPCA concept: Zasobowo-procesowy rachunek kosztów (Resource and Process Consumption Accounting – RPCA), Akademia Controllingu, 2017, (967 pages).
He is a charismatic lecturer at several universities and training companies, and a regular speaker at conferences in the field of controlling, management accounting, management reporting, process management and Business Intelligence.

IBCS® Certified Consultant
Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in July 2022.
After attending the Certification Course, Tomasz M. Zieliński has provided work samples visualizing some results of a survey about controlling in Poland:

Work sample 1 - number of companies (by revenue) with or without controlling department This report shows the number of enterprises with and without a controlling department (first category – horizontal axis) in the entire population of surveyed companies, divided by the size of revenue (second category – vertical axis). The report uses the Marimekko Chart which is used to visualize categorical data from a pair of variables. In the chart both axes are variables with a percentage scale, that determines both the width and height of each category.
Work sample 2 - importance of controllers’ tasks This report presents nine tasks performed by controllers, sorted by the importance of these tasks. It is especially useful for presenting the results of survey questions using the Likert Scale. The Likert Scale is a type of rating scale which is used to allow survey respondents to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement (i.e. from 1 to 5). This report gives the idea of the differences between importance and unimportance, or like and dislike. By ignoring neutral results (answers in the middle marked by a horizontal line), it is easy to see which task is more or less important. It is also easy to compare the neutral answers with each other.
Work sample 3 - percent of controllers’ working time in companies by revenue This report presents the division of working time of controlling teams in enterprises divided by the size of revenue. The report allows for an easy comparison of the labor consumption in controlling processes between enterprises of different sizes, and between the average percentage of working time. The processes are sorted from the most labour-intensive to the least.