CP Reporting Studio

With CP Reporting Studio, report designers can quickly and easily create IBCS-compliant charts based on intelligent one-click reporting with automatic chart suggestions.
In addition, designers can compile all types of charts themselves and link them to data.
Multi-page projects can be created in their final design with logos and leader pages with images for the distribution of fully finished PowerPoint presentations, PDFs or web reports.


One-Click Reporting automates the report generation process by preparing and recommending the best visualisations for presenting information based on IBCS® principles and the analysis of related data. The data is also used to generate the headlines according to IBCS notation. This greatly reduces the effort required to produce reports that can be exported as high-quality, printable PDFs, PowerPoints and images.

The CP Reporting Studio is based on the hi-chart library and is integrated in the CP Suite web client. Data from over 150 different upstream systems can be directly connected via the CP Reporting Studio. The CP DWH facilitates the modelling of reporting structures and can act as the single point of truth for all report recipients.

Fully prepared business logic, with dynamic filters, typed IBCS scenarios, data modelling and group capability, is integrated. Imports from Excel and database tables are also possible.

All visualisation objects can be inserted by drag & drop and visualised with the data from the CP-Suite databases and folders. Charts and tables can be converted into each other and generically supplemented with any number of subcharts. The structure of data series and table columns is data driven.

Tables can also be supplemented with charts as variance columns.

In the data manager, a hi-chart wizard, the data is displayed multidimensionally. Dimensions are arranged in rows, columns and filters. The arrangement and also the filtering can be changed as desired. In addition, dimensions are automatically classified in terms of time, scenarios, calculation path and key figures according to business significance.

Actual data are automatically supplemented with forecasts or plans.

In the dimension editor, all dimension elements can be individually classified, re-sorted and filtered.

All objects, such as pages, charts, subcharts, series, categories, data points, highlighting, etc. are displayed in a structure tree, where they can also be selected. The objects are assigned sensible default settings but can be customised as required. The hi-chart object size concept always ensures perfect proportions between all inserted objects.

The projects are saved in the Corporate Planner web client so that the user can open and edit them again via a dialogue. Snapshots can also be saved. In this case, the reports are saved with frozen data. If a snapshot is saved as a new project, the data is unfrozen and further editing can take place.

CP Reporting Studio runs in all common web browsers without installation on workstations. On the server side, CP Reporting Studio is provided as a cloud or on-premise installation. Licensing and administration of the user roles are carried out via the Corporate Planner web client. The Designer and Viewer user types and all the languages of the CP web client are available.

IBCS® Certified Charts+Tables

CP Reporting Studio was certified in April 2023. This has confirmed the software’s capabilities in the visual design of business charts and tables according to the IBCS® Association’s recommended standards.