Christian Hauswald
Since 2014, Christian Hauswald works as Business-Intelligence Consultant with the Focus SAP-Frontend at "MHP Management und IT-Beratung GmbH", a subsidiary of Porsche. With the symbiosis of management- and IT-consulting as well as automotive and digitalisation expert, MHP is one of the leading consulting firms.
As Manager in the area Business Intelligence (BI) Christian consults his customer in the field of concepts and creation of visualization standards in the global reporting. Due to his different studies in “Computer Science and Media” (B.Sc.) and the postgraduate studies in “Communication Planning and Design” (M.A.), Christian has a holistic view onto the fields of Data acquisition, preparation and visualization of data.

IBCS® Certified Consultant
Christian Hauswald has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in March 2022.
Work samples
Both samples were creted with SAP Analytic Cloud.
Work sample 1:
As basis for the first example a chart of statista, which shows the car sales in china, divided by the countries of origin of the car brands.
Due to the visualization as stacked bars and the chosen layout on the x-axis, the viewer is missing important information such as the comparability between years and countries.
Work sample 2:
As basis for the example a chart of statista, which shows the used-car sales in the USA in the years 2020 and 2021.
Due to the chosen visualization as a column-chart the seasonal fluctuation of car sales suggests a negative trend. Additionally there is no comparison over years possible due to the selected x-axis view.

Work sample 1 With the help of small multiples and the new layout on the x-axis, both can be analyzed. Comparisons over multiple years as well as comparisons over different countries of origin. Additionally and analysis of variance was added. Thereby the consumer gets an overview of the sales figures in total. The axis between sums (left) and single markets (right) weren't synchronized, due to a better readability of the different charts.
Work sample 2 While the periodic values show the monthly values and the rising lines show the cumulated values, the additional lines on top of the chart (which generate the typically z-shape) show the "Moving Annual Total" (MAT) - a seasonal-adjusted visualization of the data. On the contrary of the statista-chart we see, that we don't have a negative trend of used car sales.