IBCS® Certified Consultants

IBCS® Certified Consultants are project managers with many years of experience in controlling and/or Business Intelligence. They possess IBCS Certified Analyst skills, have completed a three-day consultant training program at the IBCS Institute, passed a final exam, and successfully submitted IBCS work examples. They have themselves recertified once a year and meet their peers at the IBCS Annual Conference.

Terms and conditions

Certification process

The certification process consists of a multi-stage training program with a final exam and the provision of work samples. Annual recertifications ensure sustainability.

Implement IBCS

IBCS® Certified Consultant

Second stage of certification with three days of classroom training for graduates of the IBCS® Certified Analyst course: Learn how to implement the IBCS Standards in an organization. With a final exam and subsequent filing of work samples.

Previous IBCS® certification courses

Pictures archive

Here you will find pictures of all previous IBCS® certification courses, which have taken place in Constance.

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