The Spanish edition of the IBCS Standards 1.2
International Business Communication Standards (IBCS)
The International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) are practical guidelines for the design of business communication. One focal point concerns the proper conceptual, perceptual and semantic design of charts and tables in reports, presentations, and dashboards.
Business Communication meets the IBCS Standards if it complies with the seven rules of the SUCCESS formula:
S AY – Convey a message
U NIFY – Apply semantic notation
C ONDENSE – Increase information density
C HECK – Ensure visual integrity
E XPRESS – Choose proper visualization
S IMPLIFY – Avoid clutter
S TRUCTURE – Organize content
The IBCS Standards are published for public use under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA). The review and further development of the IBCS Standards is an ongoing process controlled by the not-for-profit IBCS Association.
Now, thanks to Manuel H. Ramirez’s translation, also available in Spanish.